Eight essential B-vitamins are needed in our body. They support many organs and bodily systems and are an integral part of the working. B-vitamins are used for the functioning of the body cells. They help increase metabolism, create new cells, and repair body tissues. All the B-Vitamins have their own benefits to our health.[1]
Include Seaweed in your next supplement
You might consider including Seaweed as an ingredient in your next white or private label multivitamin supplement. Its gained a lot of exposure and usage as a single ingredient supplement or used in conjunction with other synergistic elements within a multivitamin.
Cognitive Health Ingredients
Brain health has been under the spotlight over the years. The world has started focusing on improving focus and boosting critical thinking skills. The mental endurance has been time and again tested, and most people have not been able to deliver. Cognitive Health has thereby been in a developmental phase with various mental health supplements … Continue reading “Cognitive Health Ingredients”
5 Natural Supplementation Options for High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure is one of the leading causes of serious health issues such as heart disease and even early death. Even with these severe outcomes, “over 30% of the world’s population has high blood pressure.” (1) Lets take a look at recommended remedies and natural supplementation options for high blood pressure. Always check with … Continue reading “5 Natural Supplementation Options for High Blood Pressure”
3 Financial Resources for Start-up Supplement and Health Companies
Finding the proper financing to start a new business can be challenging. Start-up supplement and health companies have a multitude of financial resources they can choose from, but not all of them are the right fit for any business model. If you’re looking for funding for your start-up supplement company, you may be considering loans … Continue reading “3 Financial Resources for Start-up Supplement and Health Companies”
Ease Your Anxiety With These Natural Supplements
According to Anxiety And Depression Association Of America 40 million adults in the United States are affected by Anxiety Disorder, you’re not alone. Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S. today. Life pressures and experiences may add to this panic feeling, making it difficult for us to get by … Continue reading “Ease Your Anxiety With These Natural Supplements”
3 Reasons Why the Younger Generation Is Using Botanical Supplements
The use of natural and botanical supplements has been steadily increasing over the past decade, especially with the younger generation. Experts predict their popularity will only increase in the coming years. According to Grand View Research, “In 2019, the global botanical supplements market size was valued at $27.85 billion. From 2020 to 2027, the market … Continue reading “3 Reasons Why the Younger Generation Is Using Botanical Supplements”
3 Factors Supplement Companies Need to Consider When Choosing Packaging
Any marketing professional would agree that packaging plays a huge role in selling products. When you’re at the store, are you going to be drawn to the dull, generic design or the colorful, exciting packaging? Supplemental companies may not consider packaging to be all that important, but it’s proven to be a vital component customers … Continue reading “3 Factors Supplement Companies Need to Consider When Choosing Packaging”
Natural Supplements to ease your Anxiety
According to Anxiety And Depression Association Of America 40 million adults in the United States are affected by Anxiety Disorder, you’re not alone, anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S. Life pressures and experiences may add to this panic feeling , making it difficult for us to get by … Continue reading “Natural Supplements to ease your Anxiety”
5 Natural Supplements You Need To Lower Your Blood Pressure And Trash Your Prescription
No one enjoys the severe headache, breathlessness, fatigue chest pain and other uncomfortable experiences that come with high blood pressure, but more scary are the horrible effects of prescribed antihypertensive drugs. We all want to be free from the effects of an off-the-chart blood pressure reading, with no awful organ damaging treatments. What if you … Continue reading “5 Natural Supplements You Need To Lower Your Blood Pressure And Trash Your Prescription”