Many Americans continue to take dietary supplements for numerous reasons. Whether it is for general well-being, as an alternative therapy, or for athletic performance, dietary supplements are continuing to become popular countrywide. One such supplement that is making waves is Dimethylglycine, also popularly known as DMG. People are taking this supplement for various reasons as … Continue reading “DMG Supplements: What They Are and Who Uses Them and Why”
Grass-Fed Non-GMO Protein Sourcing for Your Supplements
There are so many protein powder products on the market that it can be a daunting task to choose the best. Organic protein means that it is from a clean source, free of pesticides, antibiotics, and hormones. It comes from grass-fed animals free of GMOs (1). As people get more concerned about their health and … Continue reading “Grass-Fed Non-GMO Protein Sourcing for Your Supplements”
Trending Supplements for 2022-2023
The dietary supplement industry is booming with unprecedented growth, and it is only going to get better. As the market continues to grow, both new entrants and existing brand owners dealing with dietary supplements are considering expanding their product line according to the latest trends. Here are the trending supplements for 2022-2023 (1). Immunity Boosters … Continue reading “Trending Supplements for 2022-2023”
Ingredients your Liver Support Supplement Needs
The liver is one of the most vital organs in our body. It is dubbed as the natural filter in our body and helps get rid of the toxins and wastes from our system. The liver is responsible for storing and releasing energy from foods. Since the liver is such a vital organ, ensuring the … Continue reading “Ingredients your Liver Support Supplement Needs”
Hair Growth Supplement Manufacturing
Have you considered getting into the hair growth supplement business and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry. This article will offer you the ins and outs of running such a business. There is always a huge demand for hair growth supplements, and so, finding customers should not be your biggest worry. Here [1] is … Continue reading “Hair Growth Supplement Manufacturing”
Whey Protein Formulation and Manufacturing
Whey is the liquid that remains once the milk has been curdled and strained. It s used as a byproduct when manufacturing casein and cheese. It also has numerous commercial uses. Whey protein [1] is among the most studied supplements worldwide for numerous health reasons. Adding it to your private label can be a great addition. … Continue reading “Whey Protein Formulation and Manufacturing”
Why You Should Use Ashwagandha in Your Private Label Products
Private label products have become extremely popular in recent years. These are products made by one company to be sold under another company’s brand. These products are available in many industries, ranging from cosmetics to food. They have various high-quality ingredients that have been shown to bear great health benefits. If you are considering manufacturing … Continue reading “Why You Should Use Ashwagandha in Your Private Label Products”
Skin Care Formulation and Manufacturing
Are you ready to dive in and start creating your skincare formulations and manufacturing private label products? If so, you need to learn all the basics of skincare formulation to become a product manufacturer. Designing your products from scratch can be a daunting process, and you can end up wasting a lot of time and … Continue reading “Skin Care Formulation and Manufacturing”
Garcinia Cambogia
Health supplements, especially those that promise to help people to lose weight are among the most sought-after products. That is why you should consider adding some to your line of private label products. One such product is [1] Garcinia Cambogia. What is Garcinia Cambogia? It is a tropical fruit also referred to as the Malabar … Continue reading “Garcinia Cambogia”
Why You Should be using Turmeric in Your Formulation
If you are looking for what to add to your next formulation, you should consider [1] turmeric. This spice is known for giving curry its yellow rich color. Turmeric is known as one of the most nutritional supplements ever. Studies have shown that turmeric comes with numerous benefits for the brain and body. Most of … Continue reading “Why You Should be using Turmeric in Your Formulation”