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Polyphenol and its Health Benefits


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Polyphenol and its Health Benefits


PolyphenolPolyphenols are nutrients present in plants by nature. They have several health benefits, for which they are used in several medications. Many plant-based foods include healthy polyphenols, which can be divided into flavonoids, phenolic acid, polyphenolic amides, and other phenolics (1). They are present in fruits, vegetables, teas, and sauces to add to your meals.

This article includes all the essential information about polyphenols, including potential health benefits, risks and why you may consider having this ingredient in one of your future production formulas.

Foods Rich In Polyphenol

Polyphenols are found in the majority of organic diets, including all cereals, nuts, legumes, fruits, and vegetables. It’s simple to consume enough organic food to improve your health, although some sources are nutrient-richer than others. These are capers for black tea, cocoa butter, coffee, ginger, dark chocolate, olive, red wine, vinegar, and green tea.

Potential Health Benefits

Polyphenols are great for diabetic people. Blood sugar levels can be reduced and managed with the use of polyphenols. Likewise, they encourage the production of insulin, a hormone that instructs your body to absorb glucose effectively (2). You can lower your chances of developing diseases like weight gain by keeping low insulin production and stable blood glucose.

According to research, polyphenols can help your immune system of the body against diseases. Polyphenols inhibit dangerous bacteria and encourage the development of beneficial microorganisms in your stomach. However, a balanced number of microorganisms is also necessary for solid immune cells.

Another experiment showed that polyphenols can reduce blood pressure, maintain veins and arteries permeably and healthily, and improve blood circulation. They also help decrease chronic inflammation for any cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack. Furthermore, polyphenols may even stop the growth of tumors and kill cancer cells that are actively spreading.

Similarly, polyphenols may enhance your recall and attention. According to one investigation, polyphenols helped older people with modest psychiatric illnesses vastly improve their memory by as little as 12 weeks. Moreover, Ginkgo biloba, which is high in polyphenols, also seems to enhance memory, cognition, and focus. Additionally, it has been connected to increased brain function and bad memory in Alzheimer’s patients.

Risks and Concerns

Most people can safely consume foods high in polyphenols as part of a balanced diet. However, some foods high in polyphenols could require to be avoided by people with particular medical disorders or allergies (3).

According to an experiment on the safety of polyphenols, an overdose of one specific polyphenol damaged mice’s kidneys. The same paper also examined additional animal experiments where polyphenols induced tumor growth and changed thyroid hormone levels.

Tea and iron are the plant sources high in polyphenols that may negatively impact how well specific nutrients are absorbed.

Bottom Line

Polyphenols have numerous benefits. In addition to offering protection from blood clots, cardiovascular diseases, and some malignancies, they may enhance metabolism, the nervous system, and blood sugar levels. More research is required to find secure and safe polyphenol supplementation doses, so it’s preferable to depend on foods instead of medications at this time to increase your consumption of these beneficial chemicals.


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1. Healthline: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/polyphenols#bottom-line

2. WebMD: https://www.webmd.com/diet/foods-high-in-polyphenols

3. Medical News Today: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/319728#risks-and-side-effects


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